Wednesday 16 March 2011

Monday 29 November 2010

Intellectual Arcade

Our team leader Stephen is going to do his part of the trailer in lost time pulled through time similar to Mirrors edge. It is going to be sort of futuristic where there are flying cars with tall buildings, the ground is going to be a no go because it is all muggy (not able to breath) The hero in his part will be Indiana Jones style.

Marcus part of the trailer is going to be in an ancient egyption village, the big Sphynx objects are going to come to life he is also going to include a Mexican twist.

Lukes is going to be in like a canyon environment with native American indians that will use totum poles for gateways, the characters are going to be something similar to the one on Billy The Kid, he is going to make a train that will be used for transport to the different towns in the trailer.

I am going to base something around a fantasy castle onm the hillside with characters similar to avatar but these are going to be indians I decided to add also a horses pegesus and maybe a wolf. using costumes from the ones in 'dances with wolves.'

Wayne is also basing his on fantasy but his is going to be set on wastye land/ruined city where all the fighting/action will take place, another place wayne is going to use is a place where all the shops/houses are he is going to call this the 2nd city I believe with a gothic theme. Going to base his environment on fantasy art.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Environment lighting

This is the same plane as the one below the only thing I have change about it is the lighting, i have added a light to shine from the back. When I first added the light it was very bright and made half of the plane not visable to improve this I lowered the density of the fog which gave this great effect of the sunraise between the two pyraminds and because the lighting isnt too light and there is still fog there it gives you like a weary scary feeling.


Here is an Egyption plane i have developed from scratch, I learnt how to add the foggy/cloud effect using 3D MAX which is done in environment, this effect could be added into the fantasy trailor i would like to do. It is possible to add more to this, one of them is adding wind as an animation which would enable the fog/clouds to move a long at a set speed chosen by yourself. I have played games such as call of duty that use this sort of environment which adds to the effective image and changes the whole atmosphere in the game.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Ideal Genre For Team Trailer

For our game trailer my personal choice would probably be a fantasy, this isnt because this is my favourite genre, it is because i believe I would be able to come up with a lot more ideas than if we chose horror for our genre. Horror is probably my favourite and if I thought I could think of a enough ideas to produce a successful trailer then this would be my choice. If we did do the Fantasy genre then I wouldn't agree on doing a medevel time I would suggest doing a more futuristic setting, I believe this would be more appealing to the audience we are targeting.

Thursday 23 September 2010

I further developed this piece of work by adding a sky texture to it. I did this by creating a sphere around the piece of land. Adding this texture is pretty much the same as the way I did it before.